The worldwide community of GeoDa users is close to 76,000
Right-click on the base map to open a menu with choices for creating
An Introduction to Spatial Autocorrelation Analysis with GeoDa Luc
These maps below show the GeoDa output when calculating LISA statistics for
This shows a GeoDa analysis of Seattle, Washington, house sales prices
Figure 1: Geoda maps and graphs of Berkeley, California comparing density of
Making maps in GeoDa is
This shows a GeoDa analysis of Jakarta, Indonesia, neighborhood consumption
dynTM is an open source scalable tile map service for efficiently
The GeoDa CREATING WEIGHTS dialog box. The various options available here
By selecting median household size as my variable in GeoDA this map was
box map geoda:
GeoDa has the ability to dynamically link maps, tables, box plots,
In the Box Map you see that the lower 50% and upper 50% of the observations
I created these maps using GeoDa. I created two quantile maps,
These maps below show the GeoDa output when calculating LISA
Cristales de geoda. Interior de una geoda
Diagram of PySAL functions. (Click to see larger version.)
graph showing increase of GeoDa users since 2005
Navigation: a/z/ >>>
Box Map Geoda